Sunday, July 15, 2012

Astro-Chakra reading for the week 16 - 22 July

Astro-Chakra Synergy System

Weekly Card Reading

16th to 22nd July
*To the 3rd eye intuitive centre this week with the highly sensitive and spiritual planet of Neptune. Neptune is the higher vibration of Venus, and so a feeling of compassion, love and oneness with all is at a universal level is at play with Neptune this week. The 3rd eye centre of intuitve thought, hunches and guidance will help to inspire you this week. Neptune is also connected with music and creativity. So time to put on that soft floaty music, light some candles and let all of your day to day worries just drift away, surrendering to your higher guidance....sounds good doesn't it! Well it is within your power to make it happen....give yourself a break, you deserve a little 'me time'!
A little thought for the week - make a vibrational essence; before doing the above, make up an essence using the symbol of the card below and spray it around yourself and your room. How? Print out the card below and simply stand a bowl of purified water on top of the symbol and place it out in the sun for 5 minutes or so (or for however long you like really) and then pour it into a spray bottle. Simple! For extra oomph place a Clear Quartz crystal into the bowl of water. This will strengthen the effect of the essecne considerably. Magic!
*Remember to check out the special this month below on the ACSS set...

Neptune 6: 6th Chakra (3rd eye)

Neptune Keyword: 'Inspiration'

Colour: Indigo

Chakra Keywords: intuition, wisdom

Card Keyword: 'SURRENDER'

NEW - Corresponding crystal ;  Vanadinite


Surrender to your inner-knowing, to your spirit, your Higher Self. Let go of the ego for one day. Allow yourself to rest within the arms of your tender spirit. You need to spend more time alone in silence, stillness and just be. Trust the universe will provide for you and let the feelings and / or answers come to you easily and effortlessly. Give thanks.
ACTION: Make a simple alter combining all of the elements earth, air, fire and water. It can be as easy as gathering a leaf from a tree to symbolize earth, lighting an incense stick for fire, place a little bowl of water or a photo of the ocean for water and a feather for air. It is O.K. to use your imagination and place whatever has meaning for you personally. An altar is a private place of spiritual connection with your inner-self, guides and angels.
Relax, and enjoy your time there.Sit in front of your new altar and visualize what it is you desire. See it and feel it as if it is really happening right now and then release it out to the universe, seeing it float away in a beautiful pink bubble. You can place anything that has a special meaning to you on your altar to further personalize it and make it feel a special place in your home.

Go to for this months special deal on the ACSS set, only $24.95 (plus postage) usually $59.95

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Astro-Chakra Synergy System® Weekly Reading 9 to 15 July - Blogs - New Age

Astro-Chakra Synergy System® Weekly Reading 9 to 15 July - Blogs - New Age

Astro-Chakra Synergy System

Weekly Card Reading

9th to 15th July
*At the 5th Chakra of the throat. We seem to be in this area a lot the last few weeks.... this week it is with the planet Uranus. This planet is all about expecting the unexpected, change and unforeseen events, so be on your guard and watch your words!
Uranus 5: 5th Chakra (throat)

Uranus Keyword: 'Individuality'
Colour: Blue
Chakra Keyword: Communication, Self Expression
Card Keyword: 'ORIGINALITY'
NEW - Corresponding crystal ;    Ruby in Zoisite

Think about ways you can express your own unique sense of individuality. Conversations about unusual topics or with unusual types of people may be of interest to you right now. Explore new ways of thinking and speaking. Do not rely on the ‘old ways’ of doing things. Express your ideas and thoughts in your own original and distinctive way with no expectation of any desired outcome or feelings of judgment. 

ACTION:  Verbally put out to the universe that you are ready for change in the way you express yourself in the world. Do something really original by putting your stamp on it. Learn a new language or subject which has always had you intrigued. Become more adaptable when changes arrive and know that you always have a choice. 
Order your
'Astro-Chakra Synergy System'® set here
Usually $54.95 pay only $24.95 *plus postage
*Sale Price this month only - July
acss photo cutout

Monday, July 2, 2012

Astro-Chakra Synergy System® Weekly Reading 2 to 8 July - Blogs - New Age

Astro-Chakra Synergy System® Weekly Reading 2 to 8 July - Blogs - New Age


2nd to 8th July
*At the 7th Chakra this week, up from the 2nd last week, with the Inspirational and highly sensitive and spiritual planet of Neptune. Did you know that Neptune is the higher vibration of the planet of love, Venus? Yes so with Neptune we have Love for ALL, and that is my wish for you this week (and all weeks) love love
Neptune 7: 7th Chakra (crown)

Neptune Keyword: 'Inspiration'
Colour: Violet
Chakra Keyword: Spirituality
NEW - Corresponding crystal ;   SODALITE

This week it is time to start questioning and examining your deeply held spiritual beliefs. Do they serve your life’s purpose at this moment? You may find that you need to change or totally get rid of old beliefs which no longer serve you in your life at this point in time. Align yourself with a higher set of beliefs understanding the universal principal that we are all one.
ACTION:  List all of the main spiritual beliefs you have. Be honest with yourself when you tick the ones you don’t live daily. Cross out the ones which no longer serve your life purpose and concentrate more of your time and energy on those that do.